Sunday, May 5, 2019

New Entry 2019

Wow..  It's already 2019!!! My blog was sooo outdated haha..  Time goes by really fast huh..

The last entry I've posted was like more than 2 years ago..  There's so so much things happened and changed since then.. 

Talking about my last posted entry,  it was kinda sorta like notes to myself..  Like some kind of a reminder to knock some sense to my self if i ever do something stupid..

Well I still do stupid things from time to time and forgot about the reminder altogether but I'm blessed that Alia still stand beside me till this day..

To tell you the truth I do impressed by how patient he is with me and I can't really express it enough how grateful I am that our relationship made it till this day..

I don't say it much like you do..  But I do love you..
