Happy birthday noona!! hehe.. her name is actually ____________ but i always called her noona (noona means older sister in korean but it is actually suppose to be called by a younger male to an older female to shows a respect for her and i actually as a female should called her unnie instead!) but still, i really like to called her noona.. huhu
She is one of my very good friend.. we've been friends for like almost 3 years now.. i've known her since my diploma days.. almost everyday after class i would hang out at her room just talk, talk, talk and talk some more lols!
She's from west malaysia, particularly from Kedah.. She is a very nice person and a very brilliant one i would say (ofcoz she would not admit it.. *smile*) but ofcourse, everyone did have their own weaknesses and she is never an exceptional.. like most of us in the class she also like to procrastinate .. huhu
nothing is bad about that right? lols and like any other girls out there, she pretty much LOVE korean drama, korean variety shows, K-pop etc.. i don't know if it still the same but last time she was quite into 2PM..
right after diploma she went back to Kedah and as expected, she continue her first degree at her own hometown.. the last time i've seen her was on our convocation days.. she actually stayed at my house for one night and stayed with her parents at the hotel the very next day..
unfortunately for us, because of the hustle and bustle of the convocation day, our parents didn't able to meet up..i'm so sorry.. i really felt that it was also part of my mistake coz i actually went back home early after the ceremony as i was very dissapointed that my brothers and sister can't make it to the convocation..
haiyooo i shouldn't talk about the sad thing on the very special day.. *smile*
anyway, so nice of you to think that it might not be appropriate to approach me after what happen to my lil brother because you afraid that i may end up becoming sad..
and thank you for your encouraging words (tears actually came out after i read it *smile*)
Kalau ada sumur di ladang,
Boleh hamba menumpang mandi,
Kalau ada umur yang panjang,
InsyaAllah, dengan izin-Nya boleh kita berjumpa lagi

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