well I know this post are out a little bit late .. (hey I’m trying to feel the holiday mood here and ofcoz by stopping any thinking and writing activity!)but that doesn’t mean I stop from doing it completely right? huhu ..
everyone should have a little break for themselves too .. break from tons of work, from any problems they face (if it possible) from house chores (I like dat! hehe) from the busiest of the city or just from anything that tires you, your mind and your body … and that little breaks might become more I would say precious and useful sometimes ..
for student like me, myself .. semester break is like most precious and long waited for time .. having to went for classes , sits for quizzes, tests and final exam and not to mention other activities and event held all through the semester was quite tiring ..
I don’t know what it feels like for others but for me it was a tough time and at the same time would be precious as well ..
the level of toughness might be a little lower for me because this is my hometown .. and my college is like 45 minutes away from my home ..
compared to my friends I think I’m lucky coz I got to went back home every week if I want to .. but that might not be possible for my friends who comes far from their home and country ..
most of the time I can see and feel that they really-really waited for the holidays to come.. and they’re all have the same goal .. to go back home, be with their family and meet their loves one ..
peoples also used their holidays to get involve in certain activities that they like for example mountain or rock climbing, jungle trekking and more others outdoor activity..
try to make the holidays fun for you .. well it is suppose to be the time for you to get rest but that doesn’t really mean that you have to be on your bed 24/7 or like watching tv all the time! (I used to do that he~)
well I guess that all for this post .. haha my-my, it’s quite long isn’t it?
I try to make a to-do list and see if I can really do it accordingly ,, (it’s my first time , never done it before)
To-do List
1. Write at least 20 post during the holiday
2. Clear up my room and organize the bookshelf
3. Do not go for movies (totally I can do this .. I don’t have a penny diz holiday )
4. Stay at home and be a good daughter (haha ,, er?)
5. Try to make notes for the past course I take ..
6. Get rid of certain things which might not be use again (I’m a person who having a hard time to throw things even I know I don’t need them)
7. Take pictures where ever I go
8. I think dats all .. I don’t think I could do a lot (since I like to sleep a lot , watch tv a lot and gaining weight a lot during d holiday)
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