yeah2! I guess it’s a bit long isn’t it? well I just have to say “ada aku kisah ke?”
ok-ok back to the real story guys! kalo ikotkan title post tu korang rase aku nak cte pasal ape?
let me ask u just one question.. how many language did u learn ? (never mind if it is not as good as your mother tongue)
ofcoz in Malaysia, we all come from different background.. there are Malays, Indians, Chinese, and many others races or even mixed of it which have been part of the citizen that built up our proudest country today..
so I believe Malays would be best in Malay language rite? coz it is their mother tongue. (wait! I’m supposed to say our mother tongue!huhu)
and so does others .. their mother tongue is what they best and fluent in ..
my conclusion (hey it’s not the end of my post yet!) is, our mother tongue is our first language rite? Since every school have the teachers to teach English as the second language therefore English should be our second language rite?
so then, do u ever think of or maybe want to learn another language other than the necessary one? (Malay and English)
if u see the title of this post, you should know by now why am I get so confused over deciding the main point of this post.
I give u an example (which brings up the confusion in me) of a Malay girl
different for a Chinese girl, Chinese is her first language, Malay would b the second, (if we just forget the fact that English taught as the second language) English would be the third language and so if she want to learn another language, it should be the fourth rite?
hope u noe what I mean coz I really don’t know how to say it in more simpler and short words..
anyway, if u have the chance to actually learn another language what would be the language of your choice?
I have a friend who really want to learn German (language used in Germany, Austria and parts of Switzerland),, hope he can .. someday ..
one of my girl friend know how to speak French (ofcoz I envy her..) who the hell that will not get envy when someone noe something that can b classified as cool?!
my lil bro noe a little bit of mandarin .. and so does few of my friend ..
bcoz of the craziness over Korean artiste I think most of the person I know and closed with would want to learn korean..
sometimes the thing that u like would drive to what u want to do in your life ..
yes? what? hoho me? ummmphh! err .. me? back then when I was a kid, I always wanted to learn japanese ,, I did actually noe a little bit but very little la .. simple words like nani ka okashi?! (ayat marah nie.. haha) nandayo?, wakarimashta! and many more la ..
ayat korea aku twu saranghae je .. haha
haizzz~ macam da melalut je nie .. huhu
hope u guys noe what I am writing about .. kalo tak mcm xgne la aku memerah otak nk tulis neyh ..
if you are thinking of learning a new language make sure you choose the right one and put effort to learn it .. there’s a lot of advantage of learning others language .. u’ll never noe when it become useful or might brings luck for u ..
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