Monday, January 31, 2011

To The Top Wif My Frenz !












Pendakian aku yg pertama tahun nie ngan kwn2 n my little kazen (bju pink) .. huhu

5 org gadis menawan gnung serapi .. Party smile

Seronok gler ! nnt nk gi lagi .. hehe .. hope dorunk sume pun feel the same .. jgn serik dah .. haha




Saturday, January 29, 2011

Start Today ...

HOLIDAY!!!! Hoho .. 

Akhirnye dapat jugak rileks2 .. tapi xlme kot .. hmmm

Aku cume ade tak lebeyh dari 4 hari untuk siapkan assignment, work on the slides, practice and prepare utk presentation aku on monday after the holiday .. 

Really in desperate need to complete all the tasks sebelum aku gi bercuti2 Malaysia ngn family.. hu~ 

Banyak assignment woo~ 
Bru start cuti aku dah stress gler .. (mne korg nak cri org stress sbb cuti??)

Hope sgt2 aku dapat siapkan sume .. Xla serba salah sangat nnt kalo aku gi bersuke ria .. bersuke ria pun last2 minute .. huh! mmg itu la aku ,,

Last year pun aku pilih tarikh ujong2 nak abez cuti gak .. (npe lah aku ske sgt wat gini)
Dalam hepy2 pun sengsara gak huh!

Melaka ! Wait for me ;) I'll be there ~ (2pm) <-korean band (fav noona!)



Monday, January 17, 2011

Books Heaven! yeahhhhhhhhh~

So sorry blog ku ~ ;(
Kesiankan dea .. xupdate2 .. hu~ 
Really doesn't have much time lorh .. Aku try nak stick to the schedule .. and FOCUS!! 

There's so much things i would like to share .. yelah .. dapat lecturer2 yang ske share bnde2 yang aku anggap bru jugak (mayb pd sesetengah org bnde yg lme) ..

Tp aku masih blom ade kesempatan lagi nk menaip sume bnde2 tu .. don't worry, I'll definitely will find the rite time .. :)

As for now .. maybe aku nak share cket kot pasal arinie .. exciting kot bagi aku .. hahah .. 
ade jualan buku-buku lame kat u floor tdie .. bler aku tengok je buku-buku tu i really feel like in heaven! hehe
yelah gler banyak buku tu .. walaupun xsume yang best but still, aku manage gak bli satu bku .. (dalam hati nak bli byk lagi) 

Siyez kalo ade duit $$ dalam tangan mmg aku bli sbyk yang mungkin .. hehe (xtentu lg tu aku bace ke x)

Maybe sebab aku memang ske bace buku-buku mcam tu .. jadi giler cket ah bler tengok .. hu~ 
Naseb baek aku bleyh kawal lagi nafsu membeli (mcm bli baju plak ek?)

Ok lah .. dah lbeyh limit nie .. kalo ikot jadual aku patotnye dah tdo time nie .. (10pm & not more than 11pm)

Bler aku dah ade mse nnt aku akan post byk2 .. jangan takde org bace sudah .. ;p



Monday, January 3, 2011

A Different You ..

Do you ever seeing someone who you barely know through online in reality?

Don't be surprise cause the person you may see might be REALLY different from what you expected of them ..

In this world of advance technology made people more comfortable to use internet access incredibly in anything.. socializing, buying things, generate income, you named it! 

Facebook, which currently most popular social networking are accessed by thousands of people around the world every minutes .. whether at home, class, just anywhere you could see people start to updating their status every hour or even every minute .. 

I always believe people are born with a desire to share .. what did they do, where they are going, what happen in their life etc .. there no such thing of being so completely to yourself cause each of everyone of us, i believe does have something that we really want to share with others ..

That's what people are doing with facebook, twitter, myspace and all that .. they are sharing answers to these frequent daily questions that we often came across with .. and I don't deny the fact that i'm blogging just to share my thoughts, feelings, hope, wishes and most importantly what happen to me in my day-to-day live ..

Getting to know others more by online for me might be a very bad idea .. It is not really that bad  cause probably it will result better for some of us .. 

You see, the same person who are exposing their character in online social networking are often behave differently in reality ..

Using me as an example here .. I may not be the same me in reality as how I am when i'm online .. You could see and read my thoughts on things which sometimes i barely do in reality .. and reading my english pieces of thoughts might get you to think that i'm good in this language which i'm not cause i'm still struggling to learn and in times i still have to referred to books, dictionary and others .. (yet there's still errors in my writing)

and you also could see the side of me which i could say a bit lovey-dovey (the songs) and some part which i think a bit emotionally written .. but don't get me wrong .. it is a part of who i am but these are a part of me which you won't see in front of your eyes .. 

Most people are like this .. be it in facebook, twitter, myspace, people can really act or react to things differently from reality .. cause they have enough time to think for best questions and answers as well as the best appropriate words to use ..

But try to get to know them in reality .. I bet the first time you met, they don't even speak a word (cause that is how i am like)  .. in online social networking you could be, do, say or write any of your interest without having to face others face .. and that's why people bravely comments on things online but in reality they just can speak the truth of their thoughts .. 

Try to think .. who are you now ? is that a different you? ;)

p/s old saying - don't judge a book by its cover .. 
      new saying - don't judge a book by its facebook .. lalalala ~


Sem Baru Bermula ..

Hari ini, secara rasminye bermulalah kehidupan aku sebagai seorang pelajar .. hu~ dunno whether i'm supposed to be happy or the other way round .. but all i can say is that everything seems fine today and ofcoz i hope same to do for tomorrow ..

Seperti biase, tak banyak sangat la kelainan sem nie .. selain ~

1. Tilam baru!! hmmm

2. I have no roomate ?! yeahh i'm sitting here, go online and ALONE!

3. Compared to last sem .. Asal brg aku nmpk cket ek??

4. Skunk da men layan diri kalo makan kat DM which is gud thing i think ..

5. Subjek BEL need a lots i mean a LOTS of talking sessions which i'm sure i never really gud at .. (makes me scare though)

6. Bdak degree (fast track) sme klaz MAF?? new thing la bg aku kan ..

7. this list will continue later .. =p

Anyway .. besides feeling a little bit sad coz dah tak ngan family kan .. spe x sedeyh ye x? i'm hepy that i'm surrounded by many lovely friends .. ngn dorunk2 nie best kot bg aku .. most of them are happy go lucky person .. i can't really say how grateful i am to know and be friends with them (hope it last!) ..

wait for the next post in 2 hours k! (xtwu nak watpe arinie .. cian kan kat aku! hehe)
aku bwat bnde nie mcm online messenger ek ,, lol

Lynd@ ...

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Welkem to the new year!

Tak sangka .. Semalam adalah penghujung bagi satu tahun yang ku rasakan banyak membawa perubahan .. dan hari nie plak merupakan permulaan bagi segala coretan keadaan, keinginan, dan mungkin perubahan pada diriku kelak .. ;)

Tahun 2010 telah ku akhiri dengan 72 post .. byak jugak kan .. hehe 

It has been a very blessing year i would say .. setelah ditolak tambah dengan kesedihanku .. still i felt very blessed .. 

Kate org, yang buruk datang dari hamba sndiri dan yang baik tentulah datang dari Allah s.w.t .. jadi aku cube utk tidak terlalu mengingati kesedihan itu .. (walaupun ade mse aku kalah jugak)

For this new year .. aku ade byk permintaan dan harapan .. mcm biaselah  ;) walaupun di penghujung hari mungkin tidak sume akan tertunai .. 

Untuk permintaan .. mmg ade byk .. huhu if i list it all down i can guarantee that u wouldn't want to continue reading this post *lol* 

Kalau boleh aku nak bli sumthing nie .. rahsie la .. hehe .. aku ingin sangat bnde nie .. sgt2 .. but harge dea mak ai .. *sigh* .. i didn't have such a lot of money .. ;( 
nie la antara salah satu barang yang aku nak utk diri aku sendiri .. *sigh*

So doa2 kan la aku dapat kumpul duit eh .. hehe (nmpknye kne berjimat la!)

Itu salah satu permintaan aku .. hehe harapan lak .. ermm aku harap aku berubah cket .. haha atleast be more organize ke .. and more focus to my study ..

aku pun harap sangat aku akan dapat lecturer yang tak terlalu serius .. hey i'm okay with being serious but TOO serious maybe NOT!  serius sgt nnt aku akn tense lak .. kalo aku tense memang pointer bleyh drop ..

As I am not genetically clever , aku harap aku bleyh paham ler ape2 yang lecterur ajar nnt .. sumtimes memang susah .. the psychology things doesn't work for me you know *sigh* 
maksud aku kan ade care psiko tu .. yg pengajar mest selalu ckp .. awk fikir bnde nie susah sbb tu susah tp kalau awk cube fikir bnde nie senang then sume akan jadi senang! yeah right .. 

Anyway .. utk berharap je mmg senang .. tp utk melihat harapan tu jadi realiti maybe susah .. huhu

Selamat Datang Tahun Baru ! Smoga kedatangan tahun baru ini membawa kebahagian kepada sume ! Luvs u all !!
