Thursday, July 17, 2014

Will be in Kay eL..

Ola! my dearest online diary! mishhh yuuuuu sooooooo muchhhhhhh! muahhhhhhhhxxxx! (kay! stop lynd@ you're so annoying!) 
H-A-H-A (i'm laughing out loud here!) <- crazy girl
okay by the way.. it has been a while since i last updated my blog right?.. (I'd never failed to say this stuff am I?)
hoho so sorry my dear coz i neglected you.. muahhhxx meh peluk (trying hard to hug my lappy instead)
Sorry! haha! It is so fun to get crazy sometimes!.. I kinda miss old days.. being a crazy girl... so happy.. stressed but still take things slow and enjoy myself.. 
Kinda opposite nowadays.. Stress out but can't really go gaga like i used to..
Of course my craziness is still intact hahaha .. but not as bad and as fun as it used to.. Its kinda different .. now *sigh nonstop*
Most of the time need to restrain myself.. I can't go and watch movies late at night anymore! speaking of that, this year me, lynd@ unbelievably never go out late .. i always back before 11pm which is a world record for me..
It is not like it is bad thing.. besides, I'm a girl..Of course I shouldn't be out late.. tak manis la kan.. duhh whatever.. 
Anyhow.. what i'm trying to say here and the title of this post definitely didn't match.. haha!
Back to the real point.. I will be in Kay eL for hmmmmm 4 days? fly tomorrow 18th and will be back on 21st huhu a family holiday.. Me of course don't have any specific reason.. my dad? well dia kata dia suka sangat bazaar Kay eL.. konon laa .. (Gomenasai Oyaji!) haha my mum? well is there any other reason than shopping? memang tak la..
this will be our first holiday for this year.. in the month of Ramadhan at that.. fuhh! mencabar keimanan nih .. huhu 
just hope that everything gonna be just fine... 